We would love to talk with you.

We customize our consulting to fit your literacy needs.

We provide teachers and administrators with expert knowledge.

We help students develop lasting comfort using their reading & writing skills.

Our goal when working with you is to make it so that you do not need our services.


We work with schools and other organizations, and individual teachers, students, and homeschool families.

We have worked with teachers and administrators with a wide variety of backgrounds, but whose goals are in essence the same:  maximize their students' literacy skills without creating more work for the already-maxed teachers, and relieve the suffering of the students, their families, teachers, and administrators.

We often work with students who have had difficult experiences with learning to read, write, or spell.


We assess individual adults or school-age children, and we train teachers to assess and assist their own students.

Our method of assessing students' reading skills takes about 5 to 15 minutes per student, and is dignified and - to many students' surprise - not painful for them.

We help administrators and teachers learn to interpret the results in order to plan their instruction.  Based on the results, we provide recommendations for materials or trainings that would best help the teachers to teach their particular students.


 In schools and other educational settings, we help administrators set up systems for identifying and helping struggling readers, writers, and spellers.

We provide workshops, in-class modeling, and opportunities to observe tutoring, in order to help classroom and homeschool teachers provide maximal classroom (Tier I) instruction, and to help Title I, Special Education teachers, aides, volunteers or tutors provide maximal (Tier II or Tier III) instruction.

We help instructors within schools and other settings to coordinate with each other in their instructional approaches, better utilize the materials and resources already available to them, and ultimately enjoy teaching even the most struggling students.