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Most workshops are being held online for now. Please contact us to be added to the mailing list.

If you would like to schedule a workshop, please contact us

Logos: Foundations for Literacy Workshops

During Logos workshops, instructors do or see strategies and activities included in the set of Logos: Foundations for Literacy materials.  These activities are designed to help students build the foundations needed for future reading and writing skills: alphabet and letter knowledge, phoneme awareness, handwriting, and basic, beginning reading and writing skills. In Logos workshops, teachers will also learn an approach to introducing students to the “code” of English, a specific process for using decodable books with students, and to organizing elementary school literacy blocks.
Each Logos workshop has 2 main components, which alternate throughout the workshop:

(1)  Participants do or see the same activities that their students will do, in order to have experienced them personally before helping students do them, and
(2)  Participants learn a framework to help them make instructional decisions such as how to observe and address areas of weakness in students, so that the students are never frustrated and never bored.
The Logos activities help students develop the foundational skills that allow for later maximal reading, spelling, and writing skills.  They set the students up for success, guiding them to develop the habits that skilled readers and writers demonstrate.


Audience: Teachers of Pre-readers

The Logos activities and workshops are for teachers whose students need to learn the alphabet, letter names, letter sounds, handwriting skills, and phoneme awareness skills. Logos activities and workshops are for any teachers of students who need to develop these skills: for any teachers of students who are under the age of about 8 years old and for teachers of older students who are not yet ready for Word Revelation activities.




Workshops are typically held online as of 2022. In the past and probably in the future, workshops have been held for teachers in school classrooms and staff lounges, church common rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, basements, community center conference rooms, and libraries. The only need is for each participant to have a place to sit and a workspace about the size of a classroom desk.


Logos workshops can be given in time slots that work well for your group. They are scheduled when you or someone else asks for them

Logos workshops have been given on 1 full day, 2 to 3 half-days, and as a series of 1- to 2-hour after-school sessions with teachers.

The workshop sessions can be back-to-back or spread out over time:  for example, on a Friday and Saturday morning, or 2 Monday mornings in a row, or 1 Wednesday afternoon a month for 3 or 4 months, or other arrangements that fit your group's schedule.


We strive to make our workshops and materials available at the least cost to you.  We make little to no profit, wanting most of all for more teachers and students to maximize their literacy instruction and acquisition.  The current fee for the Logos workshop, including the Logos binder of materials, is $144.

If you are unable to meet that cost, please contact us anyway.

Schedule or Register for a Logos Workshop

It is often easiest to talk through scheduling options together.  Please feel free to contact us with questions, to schedule a workshop, or to register for a scheduled workshop.